Dear Opie,
The last few days I've been feeling a little odd. Nothing uncomfortable. Nostalgic I guess. I feel like so many things are ending, when really most are beginning.
My sister is graduating this Saturday and I can't think of what I want to give her. What could honor her achievement and let her know how proud I am?
Our wedding plans are gaining steam and I'm having difficulty writing my vows. How do you let someone know how loved they are? How easy it's been to make this decision and yet how important it is to have made it?
And of course I'm still sad that my Grandma Rita won't be there.
I'm also adjusting to the fact that our probably-leaving for Korea is turning into probably-staying here. I feel fine about the staying. Life feels settled here in a good way. The problem with staying is I can't continue to just work at the store with little thought to the future. I need to think about what my next step is and honestly I just don't know. There isn't a rush to figure it out, but I feel afloat nonetheless.
I'm trying to think small right now, concentrating on the little things that I find comforting. Like this rack of spools, most of which came from my Grandma. Now standing proudly on my bedroom wall. Or this little outfit, with just a tiny hint of dyed slip. (Hint: it's the part keeping my bust decent.)

wishing good things for you, both large and small,
k a t
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