Yesteray ended up a better crafting day, indeed. John made me a delicious omlette, I hate to say it, but even better than yours from the Blue House days of yore. It was chock full of Feta and Kalamatas, and he even went to the store expressly to get bacon for me, as I was a cranky seamstress when he dragged himself out of bed in the morning.
After breakfast, I took a break to sleep in the sun on the deck. It felt glorious. I think I am better suited to some type of desert climate. I felt like a lizard, lounging about in the heat, feeling the light bake into me. I needed that. I drank lots of water with slices of fresh lemon (also picked up at the store in the morning expressly for me) and spritzed myself with a water bottle every so often. It was divine, even though I got a slight burn. Next week I need to look for something approximating a bathing suit for woodstock. I can't wait to go swimming. Jilly and I were going to go out to Toad Lake yesterday to take a dip, but by the time it got down to it, the clouds were gathering and I was really on a roll with my sewing.
Also, I thought you would appreciate this:

I heard a loud grinding noise and the sound of breaking glass while Hilary and John were doing cleanup. A few minutes later, there was wild laughter, and they called me to the top of the stairs. Apparently, John had tried to use the garbage disposal, and there was something jammed in it.... Yup. That's a half slip. I guess one from the last dye lot slipped down into the disposal when I was rinsing them, and I didn't even notice because it was so late at night when I was finished! Hilary held the offending slip in front of her and said "Steph, we need to have a talk. Your crafting is getting out of control. We found this in your garbage disposal. When John turned it on, it jammed and vibrated the sink, breaking wineglasses. Your craft habit is becoming dangerous to others..."
My craft habit also almost proved dangerous to me yesterday as well. I broke two needles in the course of sewing during my afternoon and evening, one of which broke into about 3 pieces, hitting me in the face with tiny sharp pieces of metal. It was too close to my eye for comfort.
So at the end of the day yesterday, injuries and slip ups and all, I had two bags done. The first one is from that purple/pink blazer I had ripped up:

I know this last one makes it look larger than it is. This is the medium size one from the pattern I designed. My machine is just looking smaller because it is pushed back on the table. I named my machine "Belda" because I found a slip of paper in the notions box with all the feet that said "Belda" serviced her in 1964 before she left the factory, and Belda sewed a test strip of stitches that is still in the box.
Then I made this one, and you know how much I love those 70's colors:

This was made from a pair of twill stretch pants I had originally intended be a bag for Carly two Christmastimes ago and never got around to it. The lining is a green linen blazer and the tie is one that Amber found when we thrifted. I loved the color and texture! So Disco! I took measurements of the pattern in the bag book I got, did some math, and transposed the pattern onto a piece of wrapping paper. I could have taken it to a copy place and enlarged it like I was supposed to, but that would have involved showering and going out in public.
Finally, I wanted to show you this:

this is .BMP of the adobe file Courtney sent me. In adobe it looks much better, clean lines and such that are clearly curliqued so they look like stitching, and the outline of the skull and crossbones are also cross stitching. How rad is that? Court brought pizza and garlic bread over yesterday just to take a break and say "Hi", and to discuss a bit of the logo/website stuff. We're meeting either today or tomorrow to get the domain name stuff purchased, etc. I'm really really excited. She is just amazing, and I'm lucky to have her help.
Well, I need to shower and head to work, then home to sew some more. I need to see if I can get wallets done to match the two bags I made, perhaps wallets and one change purse, since they seem to go so fast.
I'll be sending you good thoughts today.
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