Thursday, May 31, 2007

don't want to work in a building downtown

Dear Opie,

I'm not sure, but I'm guessing you haven't heard the new Arcade Fire album "Neon Bible". Well there is a great song on there about not wanting to work in a building downtown. I'm not sure what I do want, but I know I don't want to do that.

Jesse just got his promotion and I'm glad for him. Even if I do have to laugh a bit and think about kids growing up in that old commercial, hoping they will someday be "middle management". He likes his job so I'm not laughing overly hard at him. It's nice to have a bit of stability and of course some health care. I benefit from those things as well.

I did apply for the school job as I think I might actually enjoy it. I really miss working with kids, I don't miss the bureaucracy. I'm not overly qualified for the position but I'd feel like a wuss if I never even applied. So that is done.

I've also been re-dying slips. They turned out sort of a deep orange and then I dyed a shirt that turned out a bit more mauve than I would have liked. Sorry about there not being pictures, my camera has been testy. I'll work on adding those later.

I've been thinking about New York a lot. I even made a google map highlighting all the places I think would be fun to go. (Ok, they are mostly yarn places, but there are also parks and museums.) This is going to be my big trip this year and yours too I know. We are going to have such a good time! I'm looking at what plays are showing, what street festivals are happening, what sorts of trouble we can get into!


k a t

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