Dear Opie,
I'm not sure, but I'm guessing you haven't heard the new Arcade Fire album "Neon Bible". Well there is a great song on there about not wanting to work in a building downtown. I'm not sure what I do want, but I know I don't want to do that.
Jesse just got his promotion and I'm glad for him. Even if I do have to laugh a bit and think about kids growing up in that old commercial, hoping they will someday be "middle management". He likes his job so I'm not laughing overly hard at him. It's nice to have a bit of stability and of course some health care. I benefit from those things as well.
I did apply for the school job as I think I might actually enjoy it. I really miss working with kids, I don't miss the bureaucracy. I'm not overly qualified for the position but I'd feel like a wuss if I never even applied. So that is done.
I've also been re-dying slips. They turned out sort of a deep orange and then I dyed a shirt that turned out a bit more mauve than I would have liked. Sorry about there not being pictures, my camera has been testy. I'll work on adding those later.
I've been thinking about New York a lot. I even made a google map highlighting all the places I think would be fun to go. (Ok, they are mostly yarn places, but there are also parks and museums.) This is going to be my big trip this year and yours too I know. We are going to have such a good time! I'm looking at what plays are showing, what street festivals are happening, what sorts of trouble we can get into!
k a t
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
On drinking and slips...
Dear Kat,
Why O' why do I go out drinking on nights when I need to be productive the next day? I am not sick or even very hung over, but I am feeling a bit on the wobbly side and am wishing I would have come home with John when he left at around 11. I did not. It was my turn to sing next, and it was Patsy Cline, and I had my drink to finish! I got a ride with Mikey (John's best friend was visiting today) to the Beaver after that, and he thoroughly schooled me in air hockey. At the end, there were dumplings and bottles of water, but I'm wishing I had imbibed less booze and more H2O.
So, here I am, wobbly and wanting more sleep, with a pup who doesn't want me to have it, and I can't find my phone. I'm pretty sure it's in the car with John, since I didn't bring it into the bar last night. That means I'll have to take the truck and drive out to T-Mo before I hit the thrift stores, which is what I'm doing today.
I am going to find some more slips and dye them all a bit differently today, and see if I can find a good color combo to go with the gorgeous purpley/maroonish ones I dyed. I found this website and read through what I could find there about dyeing Nylon and Nylon blend fabric before I did the RIT dye, and I have to tell you, I think I will be getting some acid dye at Northwest Handspun today. I used the stovetop directions on the RIT dye though, and it said to dissolve the dye in 2 cups hot water with one cup of salt before adding it to the dyebath. I boiled some water in the kettle while I was getting my huge dyepot heated up, dissolved the dye and the salt, and added a tablespoon of laundry detergent to the large pot like the directions said. When the salt was dissolved a bit and the pot was steaming hot, I put the dye in and mixed it all around, and then added the slips. You're supposed to stir it constantly for about 30 minutes, and while I didn't do that, I did stir it pretty often.
I'm still new to all this peek-toor hosting on t3h intarwebz, so when I figure out why Flickr isn't allowing me to upload the pics I took of the slips, I will post those pics here for you to look at. I'm pretty sure the one I love that doesn't fit me will fit you, so you can give me a hint as to what you would like done to it and I will get it worked up!
Ok, I need about another hour or so of sleep before thrift store shopping, so I'm going to go crash back out. Hope Folklife is lots of fun today! I love you!
Why O' why do I go out drinking on nights when I need to be productive the next day? I am not sick or even very hung over, but I am feeling a bit on the wobbly side and am wishing I would have come home with John when he left at around 11. I did not. It was my turn to sing next, and it was Patsy Cline, and I had my drink to finish! I got a ride with Mikey (John's best friend was visiting today) to the Beaver after that, and he thoroughly schooled me in air hockey. At the end, there were dumplings and bottles of water, but I'm wishing I had imbibed less booze and more H2O.
So, here I am, wobbly and wanting more sleep, with a pup who doesn't want me to have it, and I can't find my phone. I'm pretty sure it's in the car with John, since I didn't bring it into the bar last night. That means I'll have to take the truck and drive out to T-Mo before I hit the thrift stores, which is what I'm doing today.
I am going to find some more slips and dye them all a bit differently today, and see if I can find a good color combo to go with the gorgeous purpley/maroonish ones I dyed. I found this website and read through what I could find there about dyeing Nylon and Nylon blend fabric before I did the RIT dye, and I have to tell you, I think I will be getting some acid dye at Northwest Handspun today. I used the stovetop directions on the RIT dye though, and it said to dissolve the dye in 2 cups hot water with one cup of salt before adding it to the dyebath. I boiled some water in the kettle while I was getting my huge dyepot heated up, dissolved the dye and the salt, and added a tablespoon of laundry detergent to the large pot like the directions said. When the salt was dissolved a bit and the pot was steaming hot, I put the dye in and mixed it all around, and then added the slips. You're supposed to stir it constantly for about 30 minutes, and while I didn't do that, I did stir it pretty often.
I'm still new to all this peek-toor hosting on t3h intarwebz, so when I figure out why Flickr isn't allowing me to upload the pics I took of the slips, I will post those pics here for you to look at. I'm pretty sure the one I love that doesn't fit me will fit you, so you can give me a hint as to what you would like done to it and I will get it worked up!
Ok, I need about another hour or so of sleep before thrift store shopping, so I'm going to go crash back out. Hope Folklife is lots of fun today! I love you!
Dear Kat,
I also enjoyed our crafting this weekend! I made another dye bath with the RIT dye, mixing Dark Cocoa and Scarlet, and what came out of the poorly dyed slips that were blotchy and gross after drying were some beautiful purple slips that are ripe with opportunities to embellish and beautify! The one I liked the most (the one with all the lace in the bust) doesn't fit me in the least, but the long one and the half slip fit perfectly and are a rich mix of plum and pomegranette. The lace is a much darker purple and they look like they will be divine when they become dresses.
I really hope to see you for a time when you come up for Clara's graduation. We can even plan a crafting day!
Tonight I went with Amber and our married or psuedo married friends to sing Kareoke in Ferndale, and John was my patient and loving DD. A woman at the bar turned around to tell me how wonderful she thought my purse was, and Amber yelled out that I had made it. She asked me to come over and talk to her. Turns out, she runs a clothing store in Fairhaven called "4 Stars" and she wants me to bring in samples of my bags to see if they will sell. She is impressed and wants one for herself.
Well I am drunk and off to bed. Sleepy time and more crafting tomorrow!
I hope your night ges wellW
I also enjoyed our crafting this weekend! I made another dye bath with the RIT dye, mixing Dark Cocoa and Scarlet, and what came out of the poorly dyed slips that were blotchy and gross after drying were some beautiful purple slips that are ripe with opportunities to embellish and beautify! The one I liked the most (the one with all the lace in the bust) doesn't fit me in the least, but the long one and the half slip fit perfectly and are a rich mix of plum and pomegranette. The lace is a much darker purple and they look like they will be divine when they become dresses.
I really hope to see you for a time when you come up for Clara's graduation. We can even plan a crafting day!
Tonight I went with Amber and our married or psuedo married friends to sing Kareoke in Ferndale, and John was my patient and loving DD. A woman at the bar turned around to tell me how wonderful she thought my purse was, and Amber yelled out that I had made it. She asked me to come over and talk to her. Turns out, she runs a clothing store in Fairhaven called "4 Stars" and she wants me to bring in samples of my bags to see if they will sell. She is impressed and wants one for herself.
Well I am drunk and off to bed. Sleepy time and more crafting tomorrow!
I hope your night ges wellW
Sunday, May 27, 2007

Dear Opie,
I so enjoyed spending my holiday weekend with you! (Some holiday, as I'm back at work on a Sunday already... but I digress.) I walked home from the greyhound a little weirded out to be back in a big city again. A place where people don't look each other in the face on the street. A place where almost nobody knows your name.
As I arrived home and drew myself a bath, I ate a cinammon Poptart for dinner and listened to my very favorite podcast. Brenda Dayne's Cast On. I reflected on how pleased I was to see you surrounded by friends in a place I used to call home. Bellingham has many temptations and actually running into people one knows and likes, without a lot of planning and coordination, is a big one for me. Seattle seems to require more forethought than that easy meandering I felt in Bellingham.
I'm also fired up by all the crafting we got into. My head is spinning with thoughts of silky dyed dresses embellished with felt flowers or pins, lace and ribbon, buttons or bows... I'm a little sad I've already comitted to going to Folklife Festival tomorrow as I don't know when I'll find time to make my crafting a reality. I wish all my crafts were as portable as knitting on the bus is.
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