Right now you do not have reliable internetz or phone. I wanted to sneak a message to you in a place where I hope you will see it.
Things are hard for me right now, and I find myself really needing to hear your laugh. John and I have been talking a great deal lately about what it would mean to me to be able to cut my hours back so that I'm hardly working, so I can spend more time doing school and more time on my craft. We will be getting to a point soon where this may be possible, and I will be sure to keep you in the loop. For now, know that I have a grand plan, and a business idea or two that I'd like to discuss with you the next time we can carve out some much needed KatandSteph tiempo from our schedules. (Nosotros estamos chicas que somos muy occupados todos los diás!)
I am really enjoying speaking Spanish, and am planning a vacation where my newly acquired language skills will be useful! I haven't figured out exactly where I want to go (there are so many choices I'm interested in) but I have a couple of ideas brewing, and one of them would involve you, so we should talk about that, soon, too.
I love you. Other than that, I have lots more to say, but I think I'll put it in a letter, instead.
Hasta luego, mija.